Vistanita wallpaper shuffler is actually a wallpaper changer. By using this interesting utility you can change your windows desktop wallpaper at a specific time interval. Its user friendly interface lets you easily add your wallpapers and pictures to create a list. So that Vistanita wallpaper shuffler can change your windows desktop wallpaper randomly or in continuous sequence at a specified time interval. You can also save your list of wallpapers; therefore you can create any number of lists. Its user interface shows the thumbnail of each picture in the list with their name, location of file, image attribute, colors and size of file on hard disk. So it is very easy for users to manage list of wallpapers. You can also sort the list of wallpapers by different attributes like Name, Folder, File size, Dimension. It also comes with some special wallpaper changing effects. There is lots of other options available to control this application. You can also set a hotkey to change wallpapers.
And one more thing it is not a heavy application so it will not slow down computer.